We now have the opportunity to support a private Antiguan insurance company, owned and operated by Antiguan shareholders, while enjoying the security of a
large, financially powerful international
insurance company.
How Can This Be?
PIC Insurance Company Ltd. was researched
and founded by Dr. Rolston
Barthley, an Antiguan insurance professional
with an international reputation for
honesty, integrity and expertise in insurance.
All shareholders (including staff
shareholders) are Antiguans. As a new
enterprise, PIC Insurance Company is
relatively small, but its international reinsurance
partners are among the largest in
the world.
- Private Cars
- Commercial Vehicles
- Comprehensive Cover
- Third Party Risks
- Public Liability
- Workmen's Compensation
- Personal Property
- Commercial Property
What Role Does "Reinsurance" Play
In Insurance Companies?
Often described as "insurer of insurance
companies", reinsurers reimburse insurance
companies for losses covered by a
formal reinsurance contract. Reinsurance
enhances one of the fundamental objectives
of insurance: to spread risk so that no single insurance company finds itself
saddled with a financial burden beyond
its ability to pay.
How Do We Know The Reinsurance Company Is Financially Strong?
Reinsurance companies, like insurance
companies, are subject to strict government
regulatory control and monitoring.
They are also the subject of study by independent
international credit-rating
agencies, such as Standard & Poors and
A.M. Best.
And because PIC Insurance Company
employs the services of a professional
reinsurance intermediary, our reinsurance
programmes and our reinsuranceunderwriting
partners are the subject of
ongoing scrutiny. All reinsurers who are
party to our contracts must meet the high
standards established by our professional
intermediary, not just the standards established
by regulators and rating agencies.

How Does Reinsurance Affect Me - The Policyholder?
The effects are all positive. The reinsurance
contract makes your insurance company
financially stronger - more able to
withstand catastrophic events such as
hurricanes, more able to withstand periods
of unprofitable underwriting results,
and more able to offer insurance for a
broad range of products for a variety of
risks and values. The cost of reinsurance,
which is substantial, is borne by
PIC Insurance Company Ltd. on behalf
of the security and peace of mind of all